Clean Energy –

the energy transition.

Clean Energy –

Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator

About RETA.

The accelerator is an initiative to enhance the capacity of regulators to increase the speed of the clean energy transitions.

It works directly with energy regulators in order to facilitate knowledge sharing, peer to peer learning and thought leadership on regulatory issues. It acts as well as a central resource for regulators to seek knowledge products and regulatory tools that can help mitigate challenges regulators face when trying to regulate for the sustainable, affordable and secure energy systems of the future.
The Accelerator was launched in 2021 at COP26 by Ofgem, IEA, IRENA, the World Bank, RMI, Energy Innovation and RAP along with regulators from around the world as part of the Green Grids Initiative.

What we do?

Areas of work.

The Accelerator is intended to enhance the capacity of energy regulators to contribute to decarbonisation of energy systems effectively, swiftly, and fairly through enhancing exchanges and communicating best practices in the following areas.

Network Planning
for wide scale electrification

Meeting the technical challenges of
expanding power systems.

Flexible, renewable-based systems

Managing increasing levels of variable renewables.


Making best use of regional resources.

Regulatory frameworks
to deliver the energy transition

Creating fair and inclusive regulatory structures.

Fair and inclusive energy

Ensuring that equity is at the heart of energy transitions.




ERE, Energy Regulatory Authority


ADERE, Argentinian Association of Regulatory Entities for Electricity


Australian Energy Market Commission


Australian Energy Regulator

Australia (Western)

Economic Regulation Authority




AERA, Azerbaijan Energy Regulatory Agency


ANEEL, National Agency for Electric Energy of Brazil 


ARSEL, Electricity Sector Regulatory Agency of Cameroon

Canada (British Columbia)

British Columbia Utilities Commission

Canada (Ontario)

Ontario Energy Board

Canada (Québec)

Régie de l’énergie du Québec

Cayman Islands

OfReg, Utility Regulation and Competition Office


CNE, National Commission of Energy

Costa Rica

ARESEP,  Regulatory Authority of Public Services

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Autorité de Régulation du secteur de l’Electricité


Independent Regulatory Commission


EgyptERA, Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency


GasReg, Gas Regulatory Authority of Egypt


CRE, Energy Regulatory Commission

Great Britain



GNERC, Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission


Public Utilities Regulatory Commission


MEKH, Hungarian Energy and Public Untility Regulatory Authority


Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources


Israeli Electricity Authority


ARERA, Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and Environment


Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission


Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority


Energy Commission


Utility Regulatory Authority


Energy Regulatory Commission


ANRE, National Electricity Regulatory Authority

New Zealand

Commerce Commission

New Zealand

Electricity Authority

North Macedonia

Energy Regulatory Commission of the Republic of North Macedonia


NVE-RME, Energy Regulatory Authority


Osinergmin, Regulatory Agency for Investment in Energy and Mining


ERSE, Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos


Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority


Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority 

Saint Lucia

National Utilities Regulatory Commission

Sierra Leone

Electricity and Water Regulatory Commission


Energy Market Authority


Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)

Turks and Caicos Islands

Energy and Utilities Department (EUD)


Regulatory Unit of Energy and Water Services (URSEA)

USA (Federal)

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Commissioner Allison Clements Office

USA (California)

Energy Commission

USA (California)

Public Utilities Commission

USA (Hawaii)

Public Utilities Commission

USA (Michigan)

Michigan Public Service Commission

USA (Washington)

Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission


Utility Regulatory Authority

Regulatory networks


African Forum For Utility Regulators


Canadian Association of Members of Public Utility Tribunals


ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority


Energy Regulators Regional Association


International Confederation of Energy Regulators 


Mediteranean Energy Regulators


National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners


Regional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa 


Latest news


8 October 2024

Hydrogen Webinar by Energy Innovation


On October 8th, we held an online event to discuss the role of hydrogen in the energy transition. The agenda included an overview of hydrogen, the development of green hydrogen, and its place in the natural gas transition. We hope that the presentations and discussions provided valuable insights into the emerging hydrogen issue. The feedback from this discussion will also assist us in organising the second series of webinars scheduled for December 10th.

1 October 2024

CEM Campaign: Empowering Energy Regulators to Tackle Decarbonisation


A CEM campaign was launched at CEM15 on October 1 in Brazil to initiate a series of dialogues with energy regulators and policymakers aimed at exploring effective regulations and regulatory processes. This campaign is supported by partners including the ‘Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator (RETA)’, ‘Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)‘, ‘International Energy Agency (IEA)‘, ‘21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP)’ and the ‘Clean Energy Solutions Centre (CESC)‘. Throughout the campaign, multilateral technical workshops, regional virtual webinars, and bilateral consultations were conducted. After the event, guiding documents were provided to governments and regulators to assist in their work. We hope this campaign serves as a cornerstone for bringing experts together and accelerating decarbonization with a regulatory focus.

28 - 30 August 2024

Training for the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) Thailand


The fifth training programme took place from 28 to 30 of August especially for Thailand’s regulator (ERC), who is also a Steering Committee member. This was organised by our longstanding partner and RETA participant, ERRA. We are proud to have RETA’s close partners, including RETA Coordinator Andrew Flagg, RAP, and Ofgem, contributing valuable presentations, and we look forward to continuing our work with ERRA and ERC Thailand.  

24 July 2024

New chair of the Steering committee was elected


RETA is pleased to announce the new Steering Committee chair, EPRA (Kenya), represented by Daniel Kiptoo Bargoria. The election took place online at the sixth Steer Committee Meeting at 24 of July, 2024.

Daniel mentioned: “As Chair of the steering committee, I will ensure enhanced member growth and capacity in promoting flexible renewable-based systems, regulatory frameworks to deliver the energy transition, network planning for wide scale electrification, regional interconnection and a fair and inclusive energy transition. I hope through RETA, we will collectively and openly share knowledge and resources to expedite the clean energy transition for a sustainable future for all.


7 May 2024

RETA Publishes Workplan 2024-25


After a successful pitching session at the Roundtable in March, the RETA Administrator is happy to launch it’s 2024-25 workplan. There are a breadth of projects available, ranging from mini-grids and clean cooking to hydrogen and digital spines. They will be delivered by our trusted delivery partners.

We’re always open to discuss potential partnership or collaborations, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

20 March 2024

RETA Roundtable


On the 20th of March, the RETA Roundtable and Steering Committee took place in Paris at the IEA Headquarters. It was great to see so many regulators, delivery partners, and other organizations in person.

The key highlight includes the publication of RAP’s Decarbonization report, the launch of the Knowledge Hub, and the first-ever pitching session which introduced a wide range of ideas for RETA’s Workplan for 2024/25.

February 2024



RETA was represented by RETA Coordinator, Andrew Flagg, at the Ibero-American Association of Energy Regulators (ARIAE) in the Dominican Republic that took place between the 6th of February and the 8th of February 2024. This was a great opportunity for RETA to present their network and messages to new regulators. The main outcome of the conference is that the Uruguayan regulator URSEA joined RETA as a participant.

Upcoming events.

The Second Hydrogen Webinar by Energy Innovation

We are thrilled to announce that our trusted delivery partner, Energy Innovation, plans to host another webinar on “regulating Hydrogen” on December 10th from 16:00 to 18:00 CET. This webinar will build upon the first workshop from October 8th with the aim of delving deeper into the details of specific issues in participants’ jurisdictions.

Please note that this event is open to regulators and delivery partners from RETA.